August 6, 2007

The Week that Was

So it has been a full week since I moved out into the big wide world on my own. I’m exhausted and just want to sleep because the last seven days have been full on.

Monday – Moved out taking with me most of my clothes, the fridge (we had two, don’t ask) and Puss.
Tuesday – Work in the morning then went to Ikea, where I purchased some furniture and a few bright shiny objects. Spent the evening putting together the newly acquired furniture.
Wednesday – Went to work in the morning then ‘worked’ from home in the afternoon while the man from Foxtel did his bit. Spent the evening unpacking.
Thursday – Went to work all day then to Uni between 6 and 9. I went straight home got into bed and read a bit before falling asleep before 10.
Friday – Worked all day then went home. Spent over an hour on the phone to various concerned buddies before putting books on shelves and DVDs into unit, then moving to sort out my wardrobe (aka more unpacking).
Saturday – Spent the day with Hubby and a trip to the house for more division of assets. All was disturbingly calm and amicable. Spent the evening with Trixy and Rachel at a gay disco dancing to ‘It’s Raining Men’ and other classics.
Sunday – Woke with a bit of a headache. Did some washing and hoovering before sorting out a little bit more unpacking. Went to see the Kaiser Chiefs with Edna in the evening
Monday (today) – I’m in work but really want to be in my bed, curled up with a good book (unfortunately I have to read Lolita for Uni, so the chick lit will have to wait) and Puss.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

'it's raining men' - an absolute classic that isn't played enough in my books.