August 10, 2007

I'm A Hieroglyph

So a little bit of bowsing and I came across a site that give you a little test to tell you what ancient language you would be, after twenty questions it came up with this;
You are Egyptian Hieroglyphics! Monumental, ornate and even in technicolour! Your users contributed virtually all ancient knowledge on inks, dyes and writing surfaces - to the point where the popular reed of Papyrus became the universal name for organic, manufactured writing surfaces in the western hemisphere for thousands of years. Proud, upstanding and dignified.

Test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 53% on Ideogramatic
You scored higher than 59% on Syllablic
You scored higher than 21% on Logogramic
You scored higher than 17% on Alphabetic

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