August 28, 2007


So I went over to Trixy’s place last night for pasta, cheese and a glass or five of wine to watch a new telly show on channel 10. It called Californication and starred David Duchovny. It’s about a writer called Hank Moody…blah blah blah sex.

The opening scene was HM getting out of his car in a church yard smoking a cigarette, he walks up the driveway and puts his fag out in the holy water at the church door. He then walks up to the statue of Jesus on the cross and asks for his advice about his writers block. Out of nowhere a nun appears and says ‘how can I help Hank?’ He says something like it a guy thing to which she replies ‘well clearly only a blow job with help,’ and gets down on her knees.

Later, a friends says (referring to the dream, yes it was a dream but only 'cause his lover was waking him up with a blow job) ‘you’re attracted to unavailable women,’ to which Hank replies ‘Can’t it just be that it’s naughty?’

I loved it, it was witty, sharp, refreshing and it has David Duchovny in it. Strangely though it also had Madeline Zima as a femme fatale who gave DC a black eye during a sex, I’m sorry but it may take a bit of getting used to, isn’t she little Grace from The Nanny?

Anyway I must get a telly arial so I don’t always have to watch at Trixys’ after she going home to the States in November.

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