August 6, 2007

I Predict A Riot

Kaiser Chiefs
Hordern Pavilion
5th August 2007

So I went to see the Kaiser Chiefs. I won’t say they are my favourite band in the world I certainly wouldn’t shed clothing for them as some of the girls in the audience seemed to do, but I do quite like their music.

I was feeling a bit crap before leaving home and wasn’t really in the mood for the Mosh Pit, but Edna, my fellow concert goer and die-hard fan was determined to get as close the front as possible. We ended up in the middleish of the stage about five metres back. We were squashed, stood on and pushed. Edna was jumping up and down with the thongs on people, I was giving dirty looks to the Jack Russel next to me who had bricks in her bag and kept wacking my in the hip and elbow, I’d move and she’d follow. The music was great though and the lead singer (see I don’t know his name) made plenty of attempts to interact with the crowd. He talked, asked questions and even invited us all to take part in the filming of an advert for the BBC Electric Proms.

They started with ‘Everyday I Love You Less and Less’ and moved on through the hits and the not so well know. I don’t know all their song titles, but I do know they also played ‘Angry Mob’ and ‘Ruby’ and I even knew the words to some, that surprised me. Also, and I have to confess this before I get outed by Edna…I wore earplugs. Well, I’d had a headache all day and I didn’t want to make it worse. Poor excuse I know, but tough! ;-)

After it was all over we tried to get backstage. I have met the manager before at a friends party and I thought I push my luck for the benefit of Edna (I’m sure if she’d been closer it would have been her shirt on stage) But it was not to be. My name wasn’t on the list despite being told by the brother’s best friend’s cousin (or whatever) that our names were on the list. The beefcake at the door in the yellow shirt was not to be budged and he didn’t know were the list was. We left autograph-less.

Anyway, I had a good night. The walk home was nice too. I flopped into bed feeling relaxed and ready for the sleep ahead.


I won't be sending this review the Brag 'cause we missed support band Operator Please and listened to Wolf and Cubs from the lobby.

1 comment:

Edna Wilt said...

Ok, chickadee, this is Edna!
His name is Ricky Wilson and one of these days I will marry him (and you will be my Kaiserchiefly bridesmaid). I would never have outed your ear-pluggy shenanigans. I was too busy rocking to notice the yellow stuff in your ears.
Ooh, and I can teach you the lyrics...'Watching the people get lairy; it's not very pretty, I tell thee; walking through town is quite scary.....' :-)