October 13, 2006

Is It Just Me?

I was in the local café this morning ordering my large fruit salad (I’m being good at the moment) and a girl shouted over my shoulder to the guy who was serving me ‘you got any croissants with strawberry jam?’ The guy was extremely polite and said no before she huffed off without another word.

Now as I sure you know, I’m quite tolerant of rudeness ;-), but that was out of order. It was like the girls in the café at Uni the other day. As they got up they knocked a glass to the floor and it broke. They just left it, didn’t say a word. Shortly after a student came along, being poor he couldn’t afford shoes and he very nearly stepped in the broken glass. It was cleaned up promptly by a mightily pis*ed off proprietor.

So the question is this; Is it just me that thinks these things are rude?

Ohh…and in case you are wondering, I don’t spend as much time in café’s as this entry would suggest. 2-3 minutes tops for my fruit salad each morning and about 10 minutes waiting for my lecture to start on Tuesday ;-)

(196 words)

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