October 9, 2006

I got to spent Saturday night in the bush. There was a full moon and refreshingly clean air. I was inspired (as I find myself often these day) to write something about it and sat out bu the pool and wrote the following;

Moonlit Night

It’s daylight now
the moon is bright,

the shadows stretch,
long fingers creep.

Ruffling feathers
in tree tops height,

cicadas hide,
hidden from view,

frogs chorus loud
crescendo deep.

Bright eyed bunny
with rays shining.

Stillness surrounds
crystal clean air,

crisp with freshness
sends chill to bones.

Nocturnal beats
scurry and hide,

ground dwellers run
aware of flight,

mosquitoes bite
feasted on flesh.

By none and some,

Stars dimmed for once
lunar out shone.

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