October 26, 2006

ANTM 7-4

Monique and Melrose were at each others throats this week, brought about Monique wipes her pants on Melrose’s bed covers. Ewk!

The challenges were all about runway walking and started with a tightrope practice, then walking on cobble stones on heels. Ankles were twisted. The winner of the cobble stone challenge got to pick 3 friends to go and walk at a charity fashion show in Austin, Texas. So AJ, CariDee and Megg got to meet Dennis Quaid.

The photo shoot was a runway shot with the photographer at the end. The runway was across the middle of a swimming pool. With the panels of the runway moving underfoot it was only a matter of time before one of the girls slipped off. And Eugena was that girl!

Monique was sick, so didn’t partake in the photo shoot

Tyra was looking sassy in a denim long line corset, while Twiggy wore purple.

Monique and Eugena were in the bottom two. Monique went home.

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