October 4, 2006

Birthday Pictures

I spent the day doing nothing but dreaming and taking photos of flowers and things around the house. Prehaps my buddie Edna is correct...I am get sentimental in my old age...or maybe it's just mental!

Pink bottle brush


Charlotte - is a house spider, she will do you no harm and has taken up residence next to and on the loofer that never gets used.

Bertie was one month old yesterday, so I thought you might light to see an updated picture of him.

For my bithday I got a leather desk blotter, 'cause I do a lot of writting on paper with a fountain pen as well as here. A massive book of all the stuff ever written (that we know about) by Shakspeare, 1001 Movies you must see before you die, I've been through and marked the ones I've seen already (it didn't make a dent in teh amount I still have to see) and a 2GB USB key. I also got something I never wanted in my house 'cause I am of the belief that even Brad Pitt and Angelia Jolie would look crap on one, but somehow my repeating this over and over and over didn't sink in, so I also got a Webcam.

I also wrote a poem today...it's a work in progress, but please feel free to tell me what you think...

Going Bush


City smog
Blinding lights
Honking horn

Out of the city
Driven to remove
myself from the noise
the lights and hussle
bustle. Freeway north.

The lights fade to nothingness,
rumble of the road beneath,
the window down, air flows free
country road winds to the left
winds its way deeper into dark,
dark that sees the shadows dance
floating on wheels, mopoke sings

Jasmine floats in air, clearing the mind.
The city left behind tonight, to
escape the bonds of the day to day.
Relax with the rustle in the trees
wallabies and possums freely bound
under the moons watchful light, sweeping
breeze watfs chinese tea from the bushes
smells of burning wood invade, clearing,
thoughts of tranquility here tonight.

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