Those of you in Sydney will know the weather on the Central Coast and Hunter Valley has been a tad dicey over the last 36 hours. Those of you overseas may think this is all happening in Sydney, but it’s nearly 100km away. It is however raining heavily with gusty winds.
In Somerby they lost a family of five when the old Pacific Highway collapsed opening a gash nine feet wide and twelve deep. A couple in Clarence Town got swept away when the water flowing over the bridge they were crossing was a tad too quick. Livestock is having trouble keeping to high ground.
Today we attempted to go to Bondi Junction to pick up some shopping but the queue of traffic was so bad we decided to divert and have lunch at Nick’s Seafood on Bondi Beach. There was about five cars in the car park and ten people on the beach…and sand all over the tarmac. The wind had whipped up the seas to white frothy mass and the sand was being blown horizontally across the car pack. It was like being on Bognor beach in the summer! I took a few pictures…Ohh…and the sticky date pudding at Nick’s was devine.
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