October 22, 2007

The Metamorphosis

It’s Sunday evening and I had decided to watch a light entertaining movie. I couldn’t be doing with anything highbrow or to taxing. I was tired and needed to check my brain before going to sleep.

You can imagine my surprise when ‘Flushed Away’, an animation from Aardman animation (those of Wallace and Gromit and Chicken Run) turned into a spot the reference. Apart form being a very good story, with likable rat characters and perfect voice casting I had trouble keeping up with the obvious and much more obscure movie and literary references.

My favourite of all of them though was when Rita is talking about money, in the kitchen, to her father and the oven falls through the floor to reveal a cockroach reading Kafka while smoking a pipe. He looks up and says, ‘you could do with a new oven though.’

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