Great Line
Hank : How come I don't know your name?
Girl : You just have to ask.
Hank : Well, let's not stand on ceremony.
Girl : Trixy
Hank : That is a terrific name. If you're a hooker!
Hank : How come I don't know your name?
Girl : You just have to ask.
Hank : Well, let's not stand on ceremony.
Girl : Trixy
Hank : That is a terrific name. If you're a hooker!
Written and Photographed by
Fran Carleton
Monday, October 15, 2007
Labels: Telly
Is this true? Classic!
I was watching ‘Califorication’ with Trixy on Monday night (girls night) and this was part of a scene in the program. My Trixy nearly spat her drink out, I did.
Turned out the telly Trixy was a hooker and Hank got beat up by her pimp ‘cause he didn’t have any cash.
Oh, I thought it really happened to your Trixy. Don't know much about that show.
So it didn't really happen - or it happened but in fiction...
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