July 17, 2007

The Catholics

So I’m feeling a bit down on religion at the moment, more so than usual. It all started with the World Youth Day interview and it just seems to be getting worse.

Before I go any further I know some very lovely people with religious beliefs, and this is not aimed at you.

Last night I watching the news (BBC World Service, Thank you very much) before going to bed and there was a story about Portugal bringing in a law that allowed abortion up until 10 weeks. Before now, women such as the 40 year interviewed with a black box over her eyes had to either do dodgy back room versions or travel overseas. I’m not necessarily for abortions, but I am pro choice…anyway the reason for mentioning this law in the first place. The Bishop of Whatever town in Portugal was interviewed and his quote was, ‘we must stop women from benefiting from this law.’

Yes, I kid you not, he used the word BENEFITING!

Much bad language was used by me and I think the cats went into hiding.

So it brings me back to WYD2008 (notice no link, there will be no encouragement from me!). This event takes place every four year and moves around the world. It’s a month of bible bashing and this year hundreds of thousands of brainwashed youth will descend on Sydney. If you aren’t interested in meeting any of these people, be out of town for at least 18 – 20th July 2008 ‘cause there’s gonna be nearly half a million of them. Anyway, on the 20th July there will be a closing Mass led by none other than the ex-Hilter youth Pope Benedict at Randwick Racecourse.

Now, consider this…the Catholics believe that gambling is a sin and one of the many actions of the devil, and yet they are asking the NSW government to give them nearly $50m so they can have their Mass on private land that is devoted to and purpose built for the pursuit of Gambling!

Here endeth the rantith

1 comment:

Miss Eudoxia said...

All I can say is "god help us"