July 16, 2007

Wind and Sun Burn

After drive all day on Saturday I repeated the experience on Sunday. This time it was just under 500 kilometres and heading north to Gloucester. There was an alpaca meeting, starting at ten. The wind was blowing a gale, but the sun was shining its little heart out. So twenty odd people, including the entire executive committee gathered on a veranda to have the last OGM with the current bunch of work horses (aka committee).

Being outside in the wind and sun for four hours isn’t a good idea in Aussie, even in the middle of winter. I had on four layers of jumpers, gloves, a beanie and sun glasses and I still managed to burn my lips. They currently have that, I’ve eaten too much chilli feel and people at work have commented I look a bit pink. Nice!

I’m at work now and feel like I haven’t had a weekend at all. I’ve driven (or been passenger) for over a 1000 kilometres and sat through several hours of meetings. I been bone chilling, teethe clatteringly cold and got sun burnt. I’ve been roped into doing another year as newsletter and I didn’t manage to offload the convening of Flora Fest in September.

It’s also looking like the next six months are going to be so busy at work that I may have to take a leave of absence from my Masters so I can fit everything in

How am I ever going to get rid of all this alpaca stuff? Ideas gratefully received.


Miss Eudoxia said...

how the hell did you get roped into newslettering again?????????

Fran Carleton said...

They were nice to me for a nano-second. Today I'm regretting falling for it

nolablossom said...

thanks for the link to my new orleans blog! i'll add you as well. check often for what's going on in the "big easy"