September 5, 2007

Don't Drive Tired

- 450 kilometres
- One trip from Sydney to Morpeth, via Gosford and Tuggerah
- 4 times up Kariong hill
- 3 times into Mount Panang gardens to find the marquee missing one side
- 3 phonecalls to the marquee people to fix the tent
- Twice into Officeworks to get ripped off for printing
- Twice into Spotlight to buy ‘display materials’
- Twice into the petrol station to fill up (I will be claiming petrol)

- Once into Big W to buy sweeties, if i have to stand in a cold marquee for four days I want carbohydrates.
- 8 alpaca outfits for mannequins
- 1 occurrence of having the phone put down on me ‘cause I had the nerve to ask if someone had sent the raffle ticket back in the SSAE provided.

8.30am start, 9pm finish.

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