December 10, 2011

Helping who

I may have written about this before, if so and you can remember it, sorry. For everyone else, something new :-)

I'm a sucker. I try to do my bit by being a good person and helping those in need. Whether it be buying the homeless lunch, or looking after animals in need.

My latest helping hand has been extended to four cats. Three kittens and a mum. They are lovely and energetic, but last week they were all diagnosed with cat flu and one of them had ringworm. I was sent away with antibiotics for the flu, twice daily treatments and cream for the ring worm. I have been dutifully administering the treatments.

Today, I took one of the kittens to a vet clinic for rehoming. They couldn't take him because he has now too has ringworm. I was told by the vet the all the cats have to shampooed to kill the ringworm. Not just once either, but three times, a week apart. The cream I was given is of no use and I've been wasting my time. In the mean time she has more than likely infected the other cats and me too.

Giles and Willow, cute but infested

Once again I get royally f**ked for trying to help out. The two affected kittens have to be segregated for the others and treated, the others have to shampooed, 'just in case'.

I've ben told by people (you know who you are) not to help. Why won't I learn? Do I call the rescue organisation and tell them to collect the foster cats, so I then only have to deal with my animals. Look after my own family first and myself? I'm torn into the good vs bad person cycle again.

I had a good day yesterday, I was feeling upbeat, despite my calve muscle still hurting from last weekends activities, I felt like doing things. After today news I feel like taking to my bed again.

But before I do that I have to wrestle at least five cats and dress the ensuing lacerations on my arms and body.


michelle said...

Feeling for you right now, that is a lot of work for one person, but they are so adorable, what can you do? I would find it hard to not want to keep them all, I get attached to animals very quickly!

Anonymous said...

Well cats are not native animals and they kill native Australian birds and wildlife so I would suggest maybe joining WIRES or another group that helps our native animals rather than feral ones.

Fran Carleton said...

Thank you Anon for being a troll...

This post isn't so much about cats and their potential actions when out and about, as much as about the effect 'Helping' has on me.

If you know me, did you know I contribute regularly to several animal charities, no, clearly then, you don't have a clue!