April 30, 2006
April 27, 2006
I’m not feeling crash hot today. I still feel naffy and to make thing worse I’m having to deal with IT at work. They are being difficult about the new workstation that has bee delivered to my desk. I’m happy with the laptop I’ve been given to use during this short eight week contract.
I’m feeling cold one minute then sweating and shriving the next. I’m going home and to bed!
(71 words)
Written and Photographed by
Fran Carleton
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Telepathic Lift Rider
I work on the 27th floor. The lift travels fast to 15 then stops at all floors. The journey can take anything from less than a minute to five minutes. When travelling down I often play a game with myself ‘How many stops’. I guess how times the lift will stop before we hit the fast zone. I very rarely get it right, but it kills a little time.
First thing in the morning during rush hour (0800 – 0930) the lifts are packed solid with people travelling to all floors. As someone going pretty much all the way to the top of the building I try and get to the back of the lift, but if I find my nose pressed against the doors I get out at each floor to let others alight, but jumping backing just as the doors close.
But, and you knew there was a but coming…I’m amazed at the amount of people who barge and shove their way out without saying ‘excuse me’, it is as if all the passengers just telepathically know which floor each person is getting off at.
I have been told that I am too often amazed at the way people behave. Quite frankly I hope that I never lose that amazement. Because I don’t ever want to be so jaded I just accept this type of behaviour.
(227 words)
Written and Photographed by
Fran Carleton
Thursday, April 27, 2006
April 26, 2006
I don't feel so good
I think I'm going down with a nasty. I feel crappy, I've got a headache, I ache, my nose keeps running. I hope I didn't catch the bug that TheOtherAndrew has been suffering from, when I saw him for the 'tourist photo session' on Good Friday. Or even the really nasty nasty that has been plaguing my hubby for the last few weeks.
Maybe if I see myself being well, I can create the possiblity that I haven't caught a nasty from one of the coughing and sneezing masses of Sydney ;-)
(92 words)
Written and Photographed by
Fran Carleton
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Anzac Day 25th April 2006
It was lovely…a day off in the middle of the week to relax and do nothing. I scrapbooked part of a present for a friend, ate some nice food, caught up on some telly watching and spent some time with my hubby discussing stuff. Generally it was very fulfilling.
One thing that came up was how the Australians seem to have two days in the year were everyone gets to pat themselves and others on the back for ‘being’ Australian.
Australia Day happens in February. On this public holiday people wander the streets with flags, making merry, watching ferry racing on the harbour (if in Sydney) and having a great time just being Australian.
Anzac Day happens in April. On this public holiday people watch a parade of returned and serving service men and women, take in the circling DC-10’s and congratulate them for protecting this great land from trinary and the threat of invasion. All of that is followed by the afternoon in the pub, playing Two-Up. A game that involves tossing two coins into the air and hoping they both land showing the same face. It is the only day of the year that gambling is allowed in all pubs.
On both holidays of course, many use it as a chance for a long weekend and bugger off up the coast, the police use them as a way to get people off the roads by making it double demerits weekends (twice as many point on your driverslicence).But, I’m from Britain. There we have no national day (the only country in the world, I believe, not to have one). Remembrance Day or Poppy Day as it is more commonly known, is in November. Eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month and you don’t get a day off, just a minutes silence.
I don’t have a point to this, just saying.
(317 words)
Written and Photographed by
Fran Carleton
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Will we be saved by Aliens?
I went to a Landmark Forum introduction seminar on Monday night. I went along with pretty preconceived ideas. It’s like Amway and they’re gonna try a shrink my brain. It was neither of these things, it was WORSE!
These people just want to help you improve your life and make you happier. The lady running the session told us of her experience. She attended the Forum three and a half years ago and it had changed her life so much, she never left. She wanted to help other s as she had been helped. The other lady in the room, had attended five years ago, she had been helped so much her husband and three kids have all attended. Her sixteen year old son had benefited so much he no longer get into trouble. He’s sixteen, he’s supposed to be getting into trouble!
Straight after leaving the session I felt like I wanted to do this three day intensive (9am – midnight) course, I felt lighter and happier. I wanted to tell everyone about my new found discoveries about myself, I wanted to SHARE!
The next day, after the first full nights sleep in a while (my husband snores, badly) I woke fresh and full of clarity. I had attended my first CULT meeting!
I couldn’t believe that I had been sucked in with such ease, it had been so subtle.
(230 words)
Written and Photographed by
Fran Carleton
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
April 24, 2006
Odd Day
I’m having an odd day today.
After a rather exhausting weekend (shopping and lawn mowing on Saturday, followed by a midnight drive south due to hubbies asthma again, then up at 7am on Sunday morning to drive three and a half hours to an alpaca meeting then back again) I cannot get into work. Well, physically I’m here, but my mind is wondering and I find myself just wanting to hide under my desk, curl into a ball and sleep.
I have caught up on all my buddies blogs, plus a few that I’ve never seen before. I’ve written the report for yesterdays alpaca meeting, I’ve read the Land newspaper from cover to cover and done some facilitators notes on a couple of slides for work (I’m currently writing training material) But mostly the thing I really want to do is sleep and get warm.
I can’t even go home straight after work, shower and curl up with a book for the 3.8 nanoseconds it would take me to go to sleep, as I am committed to going to a seminar that I’ve put off before. I daren’t put it off or I’ll never be invited again.
Must go…I’ve just had a brief inspiration about why the project has such a crappy name.
(213 words)
Written and Photographed by
Fran Carleton
Monday, April 24, 2006
April 22, 2006
Fortune Cookie
I went to a Chinese restaurant for dinner tonight and was given a fortune cookie, it read :
Promises are like babies…
Easy to make, hard to deliver.
(28 words)
Written and Photographed by
Fran Carleton
Saturday, April 22, 2006
April 19, 2006
Just Like Driving
Am I the only one who walks like I drive? OK, I do walk fast, yes! But what I really mean is that I walk to the left of the pavement, I check over my shoulder before turning into doorways or overtaking and I always have a look behind me and move to the side before I stop.
My lunch times seem to be filled with drama this week.
Today a woman stopped in her tracks in front of me, in the middle of the footpath. She emerged from a shop to my right and stopped directly in front of me, head down. I quickly sidestepped, but I caught her with my shoulder. I apologised and asked if she was OK, while thinking ‘twit, watch where you’re going’. She proceeded to get abusive and tell me I was an idiot for walking into her and that I should watch where I was going etc. At the point that she called me an idiot, I pointed out that had she been paying attention and moved to the side of the path to hunt for her ringing mobile in the bottom of her massive sack of a handbag the collision could have been avoided.
As you can image she didn’t like that much and yelled at me some more, getting very worked up, she even started spitting (very unattractive). I decided, my lunch hour had already had enough precious time sucked away from it by this woman and asked her one last time if she was injured. When the question was ignored, the abuse continued and a crowd (abate small one) had started to form, I left her yelling into the air.
I’m sure that could be classed as Pavement Rage!
(289 words)
Written and Photographed by
Fran Carleton
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
April 18, 2006
Big Digger
Whilst at lunch today I saw a quite beautiful lady crossing the road towards me. I was admiring her lovely shoes, and nice hairdo, when she stuck her index finger up her nose and practically dug out her brain. Then she flicked her finger toward the road, presumably to dislodge what she had extracted, from her finger.
The sun seemed to go in and there was suddenly a chill in the air. I found myself horrified at such a display, when I realised, she probably just had a dry bogie annoying the inside of her nostril. It’s happened to us all at some point in our lives, but maybe we have been more discreet or had a tissue/hankie available.
Would I have been as shocked if she had been beaten by the ugly stick at birth? Would I have been as mortified if she had been short with nasty shoes?
Finally, would I have been as upset if I hadn’t seen her flick the offending bogie in my general direction?
I think, Yes!
(173 Words)
Written and Photographed by
Fran Carleton
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
April 17, 2006
St Vincents Hospital
I took a trip to the hospital last night. It’s OK, I’m fine, but my hubby had a major asthma attack. They looked after him really well and we made it home for 3am this morning.
(36 words)
Written and Photographed by
Fran Carleton
Monday, April 17, 2006
April 14, 2006
Good Friday
It was indeed a Good Friday!
It started with a small lie in, followed by feeding Blossom Possum. She is staying with us for a little while and is very, very cute. She loves her milk, then grapes for pudding.
Lunch was a seafood platter at a nice, but touristy eatery called ‘I’m Angus’ in Darling Harbour. After that, a lovely walk around the harbour (avoiding rug rats, not easy on a public holiday) to the Chinese Garden of Friendship.
After paying our $6 to get in, I was at first horrified at the amount of people, but it was OK, it was just a wedding party having pictures taken. The crowd thinned out considerable as we hit the rough cobble stones (high heels + cobbles = twisted ankles). The stands of bamboo shielded the noise to make a surprisingly tranquil space in the heart of Sydney. The walk includes seeing water dragon and skinks, and a group of orb weaver spiders in their three foot wide webs. Every corner turned brought a new vista.
I was lucky enough to get a chance to take some lovely photographs of the sun hitting the water too. The angle was perfect, just before sunset.
After a quick walk home, I was off out again to meet some friends for a tourist style photo shoot of the Harbour Bridge and Opera house at Sunset. Miss Eudoxia, the Other Andrew, his friend M and another friend nicknamed Yellow Tie. We took pictures of Sydney until it was dark, then moved onto a lovely Thai restaurant for food. Yummy yummy food. It was a lovely day.
My day was only marred slightly, actually thinking about it, it was actually quite funny. Somebody left an Anonymous comment about my blog name. They said it was their real name and I was a weirdo (‘cause I write erotica) and should therefore take my blog down. Ohh… even better, that I had seen their name on their website and I had stolen it. I think that’s great ‘cause I own www.jodiesorrell.com (currently putting pages together, lots more erotica) and have been using the name for years. About 25 years in fact. So if that Jodie Sorrell had a webpage back then... congratulations on being named after my first two cats!
(385 words)
Written and Photographed by
Fran Carleton
Friday, April 14, 2006
April 5, 2006
I had a funny experience on the road today. I was driving through a roadwork zone, travelling at a little over the 60kph speed limit. I had a queue of traffic behind me, ‘cause most people didn’t actually want to break the speed limit any more to overtake. However, one idiot did and gave me the one fingered salute as he passed me. I could only laugh. What a twat!
The best bit of this, was the fact, for once, a police car was around when you needed one. He got pulled over! Tee Hee :-))
(95 words)
Written and Photographed by
Fran Carleton
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
April 4, 2006
Facial Freedom
I got contacts yesterday!
So the first thing I did was go out a buy a cheap ($10) sunnies. They are purple with big lenses and diamantes in the arms and little stars. They are hideous, but so in fashion I had to have some.
I think these are going to be OK, I’m trying out the ones I can leave in for a month, night and day. I woke up this morning and rubbed my eyes a little before stopping and thinking, ‘Opps, can’t do that.’ I had a little more goop in the corners, but otherwise it was fine. And best of all I could see without having to find my glasses.
(114 words)
Written and Photographed by
Fran Carleton
Tuesday, April 04, 2006