March 7, 2006

It's not foggy!!

OK.. this is a driving bitch in two parts… I've been driving alot lately and these are the two this that really get my blood boiling. There is another blog entry in the other thing...but another day.

We had rain the other day, and a lot of it. It fell in copious amounts on the freeway I was driving on. It was 4.30 in the afternoon, so sometime before darkness but yet, it was darkened by the massive black clouds dumping its contents onto my and many other cars. Yet… people still failed to turn on their headlights! Why ohh why is it always the grey or black cars that do that, the ones that are impossible to see until you are up their arse?

OK…It’s night and all headlights are on, as they should be and I’m driving along. Until someone comes the other way and blinds me with his Fog lights. You know the ones, the little lights just below the headlights that seem to be brighter than the sun. Only problem, It’s NOT foggy. It’s a clear bright night as most are in Sydney! Well, when it’s not foggy, they are brighter than the sun! And No they aren’t ‘driving’ lights. Those are the headlights!

Yes... I know this rant is both about not enough light and too much, get over it, it’s my blog and I’ll rant if I want too.

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