Our Nations Capital
Last weekend Todd and I took a drive down to Canberra. He’s leaving in less than a month and he hadn’t seen Parliament House except on telly. So we piled into the car armed with nothing except our cameras and drove the three hours from Sydney to that no mans land that is our nations capital.

We had a Stop Revive Survive moment at Goulburn so Todd could have his phot taken with the Big Marino. Which by the way they have moved. It’s now by the eateries and petrol station on the right, next to the freeway. I couldn’t believe he hadn’t heard of it. We took a couple of pictures, but got back in the car quick sharpish ‘cause it was freezing! The wind was howling and we were in shirt sleeves with no jumper or jackets in the car. Little did we know at that time, but we spent the whole day dashing from the car to the picture spot and back again.
We stopped at the end Lake George to take pretty pictures of how green it is at the moment (rarely has water in it).
We stopped at the state boarder for a photo shoot with Todd riding the sign.

When we got to Canberra we went straight to heart of it. Parliament House! I stopped were he told me too and within seconds we were being moved on by Federal Police on a push bike. But we got the photos we came for (a few we didn’t) so we left and moved to the next thing. The Birdie on a stick. Actually the American/Australian monument it really is a big bird on a very long/high pole. Todd had to lie on the floor to get it all in, I just told him to get a better camera.

Then we drove round the inner ring road a few times before moving onto have a look at the Sex Shops of Fyshwick. We’d heard they were good. Turns out there are a lot of them, but not all of them are good.
On the way out of Canberra we stopped at a winery. We tasted (he swallowed, I spat) several very nice wines, both red and white, chatted with the cellar door staff then purchased half a dozen before hitting the road home.
With the light on our side we drove north again. We decided to stop and have dinner in Sutton Forest. We had steak and chips. I had a cup of hot tea and Todd had wine. We were both bloody freezing! We both had a great day, we laughed so hard that snot came out of my nose (I had a cold), we ate McDonalds, we talked crap, we talked about serious stuff and we dared to touch our toes to the wicket that Don Bradman played.

12 sleeps to go.
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