What are the Odds?
UPDATE : 11.4.07 - 10.55 Deleted content due to unsubstantianted and possibly offensive claims
UPDATE : 11.4.07 - 10.55 Deleted content due to unsubstantianted and possibly offensive claims
Written and Photographed by
Fran Carleton
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Labels: Friendship, Groupie Action, Music, Pubs, Reviews, Sex
Hi Jodie,
I've just been speaking to Kris about Trixy, and he swears that he has no idea who Trixy is, and he's worried that this might be another one of those nights that has vanished from his memory. Is there anything else you can tell us - to help Kris, of course.
Kris's concerned friend.
Is Trixy a man or a woman?
I’ve change my entry to take out any possible references to people who shouldn’t be mentioned. If I knew who you were I would answer your questions, but as I normally ignore Anonymous comments all I can do is assure you that only four people read my blog, according to my counter.
Hey Jodie... Kris here! I'm at work now, having just flown back to Melbourne from Brisbane (great gig by the way - 120 people!)
I'm sure you're now aware that it came as a great surprise to have a few people call me about your post(I know you said only four, but eeek they must be an influential four!).
Unfortunately I never got to read it myself, but the bizzo about a certain "Trixy" took me aback a bit as you can imagine!
1. Apparently it wasn't clear if Trixy was a girl or a guy, but I can assure you if it's a guy then it must be a case of mistaken identity - definitely 100% hetero. Sorry boys! hahaha
2. Umm... apparently I was also 'scanning the room' or somesuch for said person, but yeah I was actually as drunk as a skunk and if anything my eyes were wandering cos I couldn't seem to focus on much...
3. I don't know any "Trixys"! I'm assuming its a psyeudonym though...
Anyway, I'm not the type to be offended but yeah I'm very curious about the whole situation and would love some clarification!
I've been off the rails a bit over the last 12-18 months and I'm trying to get myself back on my feet so yeah while I'm more than happy to admit to the truth, if it's not then obviously I'd prefer we just had a laugh about the misunderstanding and move on!
But I do appreciate the time you took to firstly come to the gig, and secondly write a blog!!!
Very exciting
kris :)
I’m very surprised that it was stupidity has caused my blog to be noticed. I was hoping it would be my insights and wittiness, but alas, to be on the safe side I’ve taken the entry off.
I’ve been a fan for a while and took my friend Trixy to see you, while there it was claimed that you hooked up in Melbourne, I like a fool, wrote about when I got home at 1am, when I was tired and a little under the influence, big mistake!
I’m sorry if offence was caused to you and your friends.
I will come and see you play again, but I’ll be the one looking contrite at the back.
You still didn't tell me who Trixy is!
No apology is needed.
kris :)
Trixy is my best good girlfriend!
Hi jodie
Can you please re post the gig review as I thought it was gold. But without the comment on the end maybe.
I think you'll find that all the confusion came because you called Trixy a 'he' throughout the whole comment.
Well if nothing else it seems we both have good taste in friends!
kris :)
Hey sweets (both of you)!
Only the best will do, Kris!
Hi Hamish
Are you Mr. Anonymous or The Hack? If you are, thanks for alerting me to my faux-paux early so i could correct it and liking my reviews. Being dsylexic i often make silly typos and as mentioned it was late ;-)
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