April 30, 2007


At the end of May, Hubby and I are going to Chennai in India so we can attend Sam and Sara’s two day Hindu wedding. They had the ‘engagement’ back in December last year. Now is the time for the BIG days!

And we are going. The trouble is the raft of jabs we have to had to have to keep us safe from the many bugs and diseases that apparently plague the residents of South India. So on Friday Hubby and I trotted along to the doctors and came out looking like pin cushions. I had the first HepB, HepA & Typhoid, Rabies booster and Flu. I also had to have a blood test ‘cause I’ve never had Chicken Pox and it’s rife where we’re going. They had to test for natural immunity.

Anyway, I’ve had hardly any sleep for the whole weekend due to my arms feeling like they had been in a vice. The thing is, I know the next trip to the docs on the 21st is going to be as bad (Hep B part 2, Tetanus, MMR and possibly Chicken Pox if I fail the test).

But I don’t mind, I love that I am able to attend the wedding of a good friend and be a curiosity to the locals (white, short hair, little jewellery).

Bring on the next round of jabs.


Edna Wilt said...

Jab-a-rooney, indeed! And how the mighty have fallen! ;-)
You know, just out of curiosity, I calculated (roughly) how many injections I have had in my 27 year old life......33588!!!!*
Woohoo!! Do I win? ;-) Seriously though, hope you have fab time!

*Addendum for those randoms who read this blog and the comments- I'm a (gorgeous) ;-) diabetic, not a heroin addict...... :-)

Anonymous said...

We are going to the Hopetoun tonight to watch Melbourne band The Double Agents if you wanna come with. They look interesting enough.

Fran Carleton said...

What is it with you and Melbourne Bands?

Anonymous said...

Perhaps an investment in some extra large jewellry will cover those track marks!!