March 21, 2012

Still Going

I’ve been working hard for the last few weeks, but I have failed to earn a single dollar.

I’ve completed a Funeral Celebrants course and started speaking with and visiting Funeral Directors in order to actually start performing funeral ceremonies and start earning cash. I’ve also gatecrashed a few to see how they go.

I have secured a job as a bus driver, through attendance of an open evening and two interviews, but it doesn’t start until 16th April.

I’ve been taking photographs like crazy (Jurassic Lounge, Street Fashion, comedy gigs) to try and get someone to want me to do a paid gig…naddar, nothing, zilch. I’ve raised awareness of my photography with my Facebook page. Loads of pavement pounding and conversations.

I’ve built up two Facebook pages to help build my celebrancy business and FC Images.

I’ve been to four interviews but I have yet to hear whether I’ve got the job., for any of them. Is no news good news?

I've been told I'm over qualified by Bunnings, coffee shops, cleaning firms, State Transit and a major supermarket chain.

Brock Talent Management have taken me onto their books and I’ve secured an extra gig to play either a barrister or a QC in an ABC drama. Unlikely that I’ll get paid for four to six weeks after the gig.

I’ve been trawling the internet and papers daily for job openings…private company sites, job boards, newspapers (local and national). I’ve applied for over 60 roles. Roles that fit my background exactly, roles that loosely fit, and roles completely left of centre. Each application has had a unique cover letter and CV tweak.

Tupperware now has me on the books as a Party Demonstrator. I can feel IQ points leaking from my ears at each ‘training’ session I attend, but you have to go to them.

Still not a penny inward, lots out though. At this point I’d like to thank GB and LK for helping me out with my rent.

This financial situation needs to change very soon before I become homeless, penniless and so despondent that I lose the energy and ability to continue this pursuit of employment. I’m having days and bad days.

For now though, the pursuit continues. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey JS, recognise everything! Let's both keep our chin up. See you at your next comedy gig! Cheers,