January 3, 2012

Spore Harbingers

I have been referring the kittens, as a collective, as my spore harbingers. Three people have now asked me what that means, so I figure there must be others out there not game to ask, so I shall explain.

The name came about as they have ringworm.

Ringworm is a fungal skin infection, rather than an intestinal worm that sucks nutrition from the body from the inside. Being a fungus, just like mushrooms, to propagate it releases spores (seeds) into the air. They need warm, moist conditions or damage to the affected area to thrive.

spore |spôr|
noun Biology
a minute, typically one-celled, reproductive unit capable of giving rise to a new individual without sexual fusion, characteristic of lower plants, fungi, and protozoans.

harbinger |ˈhärbənjər|
a person or thing that announces or signals the approach of another :
witch hazels are the harbingers of spring.
the kittens are the harbingers of ringworm because they carry the spores.

Are we good now?

Picture: Cat Health Guide
Reference: Definitions from Apple Dictionary

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