October 28, 2011

No, Really, it's not back pain

I went to the doctor today.  This isn’t an unusual occurrence due to my crappy list of heredity conditions, but what is unusual is that I went to one other than my usual doctor.
Dr. R is quite used to me walking in and hearing the reply to her question of ‘How can I help you today?’ I’m here for more drugs.  It means I simple need a new prescription.  She knows my background of polycystic kidney, hip reconstructions and blood pressure issues.  She’s also helped me scare the black dog away a few times.  She also comments on how remarkably self aware I am with what’s going on with my health and body.  After years of problems, it helps to be able to explain quickly and succinctly.
On Wednesday night I was woken with a pain in my side.  I’d been torturing myself allday about Millie, so I was a tad stressed.  This pain was deep in my left side and I knew straight away the pain was in my kidney.  I couldn’t sit, lay down or stand without extreme discomfort, so I went with the least painful and paced the bedroom and lounge.  After half an hour the pain went away, but my blood pressure was sitting in 149/99.  Not ideal.
Yesterday while I was giving a presentation at work, I felt the deep pain again across my entire lower back.  I also noticed something unusual in the bathroom.
I called the Doctor.  Dr. R is on leave, back Monday.  I made an appointment with a Dr. A. 
Saw Dr. A this morning.  I told him about my symptoms and history.  He tested me for back pain saying it unusual that pain should extend across both kidneys.  He begrudgingly asked for a wee sample.  Was surprised when I came back in less than two minutes.   I tried to explain I always drank a bottle of water before a doctors appointment out of habit.   He didn’t take my BP, he didn’t weight me.  He was surprised that I seemed to have a kidney infection without any symptoms of a bladder infection.  He explained that commonly (he objected when I used the word normally) ‘these things start as bladder infection and travel up to the kidneys’.  He asked me to cast my mind back to if I had had ‘any pain when urinating?’  He dismissed my concern that a cyst may have burst, which is a genuine concern based of family history, as ‘highly unlikely’ as he smirked.
At this point I was getting a little miffed.  I asked, ‘We’ve established that I have a kidney infection.  What can we do to clear it up?’
‘Well with kidneys such as yours, you must do everything to keep them clean and flushed at all times.  Do you drink plenty of water during the day?’
ARGH!  Now I understand why Muv used to say ‘Don’t try and teach me to suck eggs’.
He eventually gave me a prescription for antibiotics, but, boy did I have to work for it.  I had to sit through a 10 minute lecture on how to look after my ailing kidneys.  Like I needed reminding!?  I was told seven years ago by my Nephrologist that without the proper care I could be on dialysis by the age of 45 if I didn’t do as he said.  I do as he said.  45 is now only six years away.
I go back next week for a  follow up, thank goodness Dr. R will be back from her holidays.

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