October 21, 2011

Modern Comms

I’ve been thinking, about how Oscar Wilde would have liked the new era of digital communications.  He was a flamboyant man famous for quotes such as:  ‘There is only one thing in the world worse than being talked and bout and that is not being talked about’ and ‘I always carry my diary with me because one should always have something sensational to read’.
I have recently given in and created a Twitter account.  I resisted for a long time, but then I realised I was missing little snippets of information from some dear friends, so I signed up.  Personally I can rarely think of anything worth twitting, so I’m not a dozen a day poster, but I do enjoy reading others.

Today, just randomly, ‘What would Oscar Wilde post on twitter?’
I know he would have been blogging for years, he’d have his own website (more than likely banned in the more conservative countries of the planet), and I imagine he’d be BBF with Stephen Fry (@stephenfry), but only so he could keep an eye on the competition.  But wouldn’t they be FABULOUS together!?
I think Oscar’s tweet (just one of many) today would be something like, ‘So another dictator is dead.  I shall miss seeing his arenose black and white lungi on the BBC.’

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