July 15, 2011

With age

There are many sayings about age and wisdom, most ring true, some not so.

Boys will be boys, and so will a lot of middle-aged men.
Kin Hubbard (1868 - 1930)

Wisdom is what's left after we've run out of personal opinions.
Cullen Hightower

Could be agued:
Wisdom doesn't automatically come with old age. Nothing does - except wrinkles. It's true, some wines improve with age. But only if the grapes were good in the first place.
Abigail Van Buren (1918 - )

I’d like to add one.

‘If you’re a woman a few things happen with age. You get breasts, the ability to have children and a desire to build a nest. You also learn to control your emotions. No one tells you you’re going start sprouting hair from your chin and you’re going to need a plastering qualification to fill the cracks next to your eyes. That was not in the advertising materials!’

1 comment:

Fran Carleton said...

Men are generally more careful of the breed of their horses and dogs than of their children.
William Penn (1644 - 1718)

A very wise man! :-)