July 29, 2011

The perils of Winter entertaining

Many years ago, when I first visited the shore of this wide brown land, I decided to go to the movies. My host asked me, ‘Why tonight, it’s raining?’

I was confused. In my native land of Britannia, if you didn’t venture out wearing an over coat and wellies you would never leave the comfort of your home. It rains much of the time in England, it still amuses me when folks back home say, ‘Where did summer go?’

Really!? Just except it, Great Britain never has and never will have a reliable summer; Global Warming has not changed this fact and never will. Anywho, I digress...

Winters in Aussie tend to be kinder, with chilled days and clear blue skies. This year has been a bit strange. It appears that Al Nino has decided to throw us a curve ball and make it cold, wet and windy, all at once. Facilities Management doesn’t know what to do, turn the air-con off, heating on, then back on with the air-con, then off again. So we have, for the first time since I’ve lived Down Under had a proper winter.

It takes months of grey skies and early darkness before a weather hardened Pommie starts suffering the winter blues, in Aussie it’s a matter of days. Seasonal Ambience Disorder hits here and hard. A nation that spends months in the sun and heat, the slightest dip below 10degrees and you’d think the end of the world is nigh. Doors gets locked, coats come out and social lives go into hiatus until the sun come out again and the world defrosts.

The Tupperware party I have booked for tonight has become a victim of this. In fact, I’ve started to refer to it as a Tupper-where party. Because where are my guests? It didn’t even start out as my party...I agreed to have it at my house for someone else.

Many are suffering from ‘Blurgh’. While not technically an illness, it is a reason to stay at home and recover. So they shall miss out on the mountains of funky plastic storage wear and me being the hostess with the mostess.

Others simply got a better offer.

I’m going ahead tonight as I have made food and cleaned my house, and the Tupperware Lady said four including the hostess (that would be me) is a nice number. I think she’s being kind. I was hoping for more than just a Tupperware party, I was hoping for a girls night in where we would continue after the TL lady had gone.

I have learnt my lesson and will never attempt any kind of entertainment in the winter again. I too shall hibernate and get with the Aussie winter program and embrace the feeling of Blurgh! Bring on BBQ season, I say :-)

Get well soon.

First picture from here, funny article to go with it.
Second picture from here.


Anonymous said...

Then again it could have been because we are not into Tupperware :)
I did something far braver - I went to Costco. And I still have all my limbs - just. It seems that if you want Sydneysiders out on a winter's night just say bargain.

Fran Carleton said...

It's possible, but it wasn't really about the Tupperware.

My idea of hell is Costco, it would take me a year or more to use 48 toilet rolls and five litres of tomato sauce.

But what you're really saying is, is that you could be one of the 'better offer' crew, hence the need to remain anonymous ;-)