June 25, 2011

Head over heels

Also known as arse over tit when you're falling over rather than in love.

I had such a tumble on Thursday whilst walking into a work site on my way to deliver training. I stepped on a manhole cover which gave way and my right foot disappeared down the hole. I tried to right myself, but as these things go, it happened very quickly and I ended up in a pile on the gravel ground. My right knee and palm caught the brunt on the damage but my left elbow impacted too as I attempted to stop the bags I was carrying from hitting the ground too hard. Cara was in one of them. She's fine.

The two big tough construction types out for a smoko saw me go down with the grace of a fairy elephant and came to my rescue. Meanwhile I was the colour of my coat.

I have a tiny graze on my palm, a bruise on my elbow and a tenderised knee. Considering the minor nature of my booboos the rest of my body feels like it's done ten rounds with the current heavy weight champion. I hurt.

The last time I feel over was in Coles about three years ago (I slipped on flower water). I didn't think I'd fall over again so soon.

It's true what they say, you really do fall harder the older you get, but only because you're not used to it and you don't bounce like you used too.


michelle said...

I love it! That awful feeling when you know you can't do anything about it. There aren't many worse places than that to fall... at least it was only in front of two workers and not a whole gang! And chivalry is not dead after all!

Anonymous said...

I thankfully have not done it for a while but the bit I hate is that you automatically put out your hands to protect yourself but your hands are pretty essential and in my case my bum has a lot more padding so could take the consequences of the fall rather better than my hands ever could.