Sunday 15th June - Day of Travel
After a fairly standard trip of ten hours on a plane I arrived in Seoul. Actually come to think about it now, it wasn’t really all that standard. My lift to the airport got a flat tyre that thankfully survived with just a pumping up with air rather than the full changing experience. Then the promise of cheap upgrade didn’t happen but I did get to sit in the window seat on the emergency exit, giving me heaps of leg room and a leaning spot, also the power to scream ‘we’re all gonna die’ in case of emergency. This was all slightly marred by the two gentlemen seating in the seats to my right reading ‘The Fourfold Gospel’ and ‘Greatest Sermons of the World’. I managed to avoid talking to them mostly, but when Pastor John, yes a pastor from outback NSW, tried to convince being faithless was the road to damnation I told him I did have faith, just not in the same thing/person he did. I was remarkable polite considering my general feelings about all things God related.
Upon arriving at the hotel (90 minutes and 160,000 Korean Won later) and checking in I popped out for supplies. Being in a suite, I had an empty fridge and a washing machine. Time for a spot of washing as I hadn’t left all my dirty washing to fester in the laundry bin for 6 months plus.[Supplies W6500, Trip to get them $many, picture of prawn chips and cans of drink, priceless]
A shower later, I passed out on the bed.
PS. There approx. 900 Korean Won to the A$
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