December 25, 2006

ANTM 7-11 & 7-12

Once again I’ve got a little behind in my America’s Next Top Model watching, it may be because I’ve been busy having a life! Christmas silly season has been well and truly good to me but not to my liver.

Episode 7-11

Caridee made out with one of the Spanish male models from the previous episodes, after dinner when they came around for dinner one night. The next day Tyra asked what they thought was the toughest criticism during judging. The girls all made stuff up, but Melrose, of course, kissed arse.

The challenge this week was the go-see. This is a casting test were the girls have to rush round and see as many of the 10 designers expecting them in the allowed time (in this case 4 hours). They are marked on, 1.Appearance, 2. Runway Walk, 3. Personality and 4. Portfolio. Once again Melrose won the challenge with 5 go-sees and being back on time. The twins were late and were disqualified. She picked Caridee as her companion to share her prize of a personal chef for the evening.

The Only active bullring in Barcelona was the location of the photo shoot with Nigel Barker (judge and fashion photographer) in charge. During the preparations while Nigel was waving a rod at the bull, Caridee asked ‘Did you just remove that from your ass from the last panel?’ Later she was chewed out by Mr. J in front of the other girls for showing lack of respect.

Michelle got a great review for her shoot, Melrose stuffed it up by being wooden and Caridee apologised but still screwed up the shoot.

The judging panel was a toughy. Each girl had to say who they thought had the most potential and who had the least. Melrose picked herself and Eugena. Eugena picked herself and Amanda. Caridee picked herself and Amanda. Amanda picked Eugena as having the most potential and Caridee as the least. Michelle picked Caridee and herself.

The Twins were the bottom two and Michelle went home after sacrificing herself for her sister who wants it more.

Episode 7-12

Flamenco lessons saw the paired up with four professional dancers. Eugena got the thumbs up from the teacher for picking up the steps so quickly. Amanda had two left feet. Miss J. joined them all for dinner and Melrose sucked up big time.

The next day they had to dance in full flamenco costume. Eugena did well and even managed to smile while dancing, proving finally that she can do more than one thing at a time. Melrose who ‘have my steps mastered’ forgot her steps. Eugena won the challenge and picked Amanda as her companion. Melrose pouted and then cried ‘cause she takes dancing very seriously and din’t like being judged. Then again, I would have cried too if I’d been made to wear a baby blue polka dot dress!
The girls where paired up to be water-nymphs for the photo shoot with Tyra coaching them. The water in the swimming pool was so cool all the girls had chatter teeth, but Caridee was treated for hypothermia.

With only four girls left, the bitchy comments have stepped up a notch with Eugena calling Amanda gangly and Melrose even shooting nasty looks during judging.

Judging panel saw Caridee and Amanda in the bottom two. Despite Michelle’s efforts last week, Amanda went home.

In next weeks season final Caridee, Melrose and Eugena fight it out for the title of America’s Next Top Model. And, you dear readers can breathe a sigh of relief at it all being over!

Merry Christmas!

(608 words)

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