Once Hubby and Edna got back from the Best Eggs Benedicts in Melbourne I was prised from my pit, showered and dressed, then we all took off on out walking tour of the City of Melbourne. After perusing some very fine stores, such as Leghorn, a custom made tie and suit shop that we can’t remember the name of, an equally yummy jewellery shop in a side alley and the Lord of the Fries (a cup of hand cut chips with mayo that prompted an ANTM style photo shoot once again, the mayo was better than the self proclaimed ‘best chips in Melbourne’) before getting on the City Circle tram.
After seeing the Eagle that guards Docklands we walked through the ‘wetlands’ park which was more of a puddle. Edna and I relived our youth with a swing on the ehh… swings before I behaved like a complete bogan and rolled down the hill like a five year old. I think I may have regressed a few years too many! ;-)

The walk around the dockland took us passed the ‘cow in a tree’, which apparently represents drought and famine, whatever! To the New Quay and many bars, restaurants and ice cream parlours. The Bar was first, were we topped up energy levels with Magners and wedges at the James Squire Brewhouse were I also happened to prove my age by spilling Sweet Chilli Sauce down the front of my white top. After some examination and flashing to other patrons we moved onto having cones at the Limoncetto. Handmade ice cream in the flavours of Caramel, cherry, strawberry, mango and the special, which happened to be Lemon sorbet. Very Yum!
A kerfuffle with trams and a bit of over sun exposure later we arrived at David Jones for a tad or retail therapy. Hubby was also a tad, exasperated that is! Edna ended up purchasing a rather fetching burnt orange belted dress, while I replaced my sweet Chilli stained white t-shirt with a rather nice green shirt.
Dinner took place after a brief stop over at The European Bier Café. Were I thought Edna was going to have a fit when the barmaid tried to pour her Erdinger Dunkel into a glass quickly! After a brief education the barmaid was aware, but unimpressed, that despite the Germans being efficient, an Erdinger is poured slowly until just before the end when you swill the last liquid to mix the yeast before pouring into the glass to produce the head. We downed our drinks rapidly before running to the ‘Best Sushi Train in Melbourne’ for dinner.
Tomodachi, the self proclaimed ‘best sushi train in Melbourne’ may be the best train, but it sure isn’t the best selection or the cheapest. Apart from the Smoked Salmon/Prawn/eel/caviar/cress do-dad on a gold plate ($7.50) everything was pretty ordinary, and better at Sushi Bus on Oxford Street in Sydney, and we would have earned over 50 points at Sushi Bus towards our next meal.
Back to the Euro Bier Café for after dinner drinks and plenty Erdingers consumed before adjourning to our hotel suite with Pink and Red (lovely jubbly bubbly) in tow. Dancing to ‘Floorfillers’ ended the evening with daft dancing and a cuppa tea!
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