July 23, 2012


I don’t like eating at my desk. There I said it.

I like being able to get away from my desk for a moment or 30. Eat my lunch in peace, away from the bright lights of the overhead florescence and noise of ringing phones.

Recent studies have shown that desks are actually more unhygienic that toilets. This is likely because they simply aren’t cleaned as often but no less of a worry.

I’m hot desking again today and the first thing I had to do was get out the surface cleaner and cloth. I swear there was a pube, font and centre. Within minutes of sitting down I had a dirty hand heal. I went search of the cleaner.

Now the desk smells like a gents loo…why do office cleaning product always smell like that?

Anyway, I digress.

Where do you eat lunch?

In the office that I currently reside I, there is a small galley kitchen but no where to sit and eat. There’s a meeting room but if there’s someone in there having a meeting, you are left with no choice but to eat at your desk.

Today someone was having a lunch meeting. First, that’s just rude to schedule a meeting over lunch and not provide lunch, second I had to eat at the smelly boy loo desk.

So while I was scoffing my baked potato with Chicken korma I decided to look up the rules about such things.

Apart from saying that a separate dining area needs to be provided were 10 or more people would be dining at once, I’m pretty sure on a floor of 70+ staff, 10 or so would be having lunch at the same time, it also states:

# separated from the work process

I think this is key. Eating at your desk would not be considered separate for the work process.

Just goes to show my desire to get out is valid and should be continued. I’m going for a walk.


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