October 10, 2008

Black and White

Since Puss and I moved into our new place in March there has been a black and white menace. We don’t know what his name is, but he torments Puss and occasionally gets in a good shot that leave Puss with a scab on his nose.

Since I’ve been back for the UK I’d been noticing that Puss had amended his eating habits. He cleaned his bowl and ate all of his biscuits. At least this was my thinking until the other night.

I was sitting on the sofa with Puss curled up at my feet when I heard noise from the kitchen like Puss was eating. I checked my feet, yeap, Puss was there, so I turned my head to see the Black and White cat from next door sitting at Puss' feed station tucking into his biscuits.

A couple of nights later, it happened again. So I chased him out of the house and saw Puss curled up fast asleep on his chair on the porch.

So now I have a problem. It would appear this has been happening for a while. He's so bold he does it even when he can see me sat on the sofa. He knows Puss is pampered and get better food than he does. How do I keep the little shit out without punishing Puss but keeping him locked in?

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