November 25, 2005


...had more lovely rain today. Lots of it, so I was forced to seek refuge in a lovely little Japanese lunch spot where I overheard a conversation while eating my bowl of rice and chicken, it went a little like this :

1st man : So how old were you when your dad died?
2nd man : 23, but we were close so I wasn't too sad.
1st man : What'ca do last night?
2nd man : I was at bible study last night and talked about Mum dying.
1st man : Ahh...
2nd man : I don't believe in heaven or anything, but I reckon she's there and I think she would god's advisor, she was so righteous!

After I left, I got to thinking, surely a man who went to bible study would believe in heaven, either that or he just goes to meet girls. Then I thought righteousness can be a form of Pride, isn't that one of the seven deadly sins.

I came to the conclusion that he was talking out of his backside!

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