April 29, 2011

Marriage Rights

As a straight woman I find the term ‘gay’ a little offensive on behalf of all my gay and trans friends. For no other reason than it seems everything that the straights have common access too has suddenly become ‘gay’ if it happens to be enjoyed or wanted by those that don’t enjoy sex with the opposite gender.

I saw a poster today that prompted this post. I’ve been thinking about it for a while, but today, I’m not exceptionally busy at work so decided to write about it.
Liz Feldman said :

It’s very dear to me, the issue of gay marriage. Or, as I like to call it, Marriage. You know because I had lunch this afternoon, not gay lunch. I parked my car, I didn’t gay park it.

Here’s my humble opinion and I’m sure there will be those that do not agree, but this is my blog so shut up and read on.

Homosexuals pay tax. They can be arrested and put in prison. Many partake of the praying and worshipping activities. They have Mothers, Fathers, Brothers sisters and other all the other family connections. They can vote or in if they live in Australia, they HAVE to vote if aged over 18. They can buy houses and own land.
So why are they still having to campaign for the right to live as their heterosexual neighbours do. Women have the right to vote now and marry whom they like and the indigenous peoples can vote. Why is it that in the first years for the 21st century when, we can send spaceships to Mars and an all caramel Mars bars, doesn’t everyone have the right to get hitched?

If they want to have a piece of paper that says ‘OK, you’re married.’ I say, let them. After all, if children are involved, currently it can get very messy. I’d like to give an example: Jayne and Amber have a child. Jayne gave birth. They raise the child together and at the age of 12, Jayne is unfortunate enough to die. Amber has no rights to keep raising that child. The family of Jayne could take the child away from Amber. Not right in any way, shape or form.

They do have all the same issues in relationships as the straights. After spending months if not years finding ‘the one’, they have fights with their partners, they have in-laws, they have pets that they make the other walk on a rainy days, and have times when the sex dries up (running out of lube can be a bit*h). They even argue about who will do the washing up or that the dishwasher is stacked wrong.
Any commitment to a partner deserves to be shown. A piece of paper, a ring, a collar or a piercing.

The point is that they should be able to say, ‘I’d like you to meet my wife (or husband).’ Everything about their union should be recognised by law and if they decide it’s not for them, jump through the hoops to get divorced.

Allow marriage for ALL!

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