Ocsar - Not a film starring Sly Stallone
Things have got out of hand again and writing my blog on top of writing words for my uni course and work has become a bit of a chore. Plus I not sure I have anything to add to the world just at the moment (not that anything I’ve ever said on here has ever had an effect on the grand scheme of things).
That said I feel I have to express my feelings about the Oscars last night.
Why does channel nine insist on not allowing enough time to show the whole broadcast. They ALWAYS run for nearly three hours, but they only schedule two hours of programming including at least forty minutes of adverts.
Why did the academy think Jon Stewart was a good host choice? OK, OK he had his moments, but I cringed for him at the times you could hear crickets after a punch line.
Once again the outfits and bling was fabulous, but for me Helen Mirran out-shone everyone, including Nicole. She was wearing a beautiful red gown with diamante sleeves and every time I saw her I found myself talking to the telly…
‘Ohh the dress is fabulous.’
‘I love the dress.’
‘I wonder if those are diamonds or diamante?’
And when she present Daniel Day Lewis for Best Actor in a Lead Role and faux knighted him with Oscar I couldn’t help but release an excited squeal.

photo from a story in The New York Times and was taken by J. Emilio Flores