May 21, 2007

The Park

I had the pleasure of walking through Hyde Park at 1pm today. I also had the pleasure of walking through Hyde Park on Saturday at about the same time. I'm writing about this mostly uniteresting fact 'cause I was amazed how different the energy was today compared to Saturday.

On Saturday, the park was filled from Liverpool Street to the Archibald Fountain with picnicing couples, practising buskers, hungover buddies and people casually reading or chatting. The sun was shining like today so there was even girls sunbaking in the last of the sunshine the season has to offer.

Today it was lunch time on a work day. At the Liverpool Street end the park was the host to bitching birds, lunching loners, runners, sitter upers, bragging blokes and people just passing through in a hurry. By the time I had crossed Park Street and walked to the Fountain the workies had thinned out a bit and there was a bit more weekend action with all the tourists. I even noticed most of the pigeons and ibises had gravitated to this end of the park, I suppose the tourists are a softer touch.

They are certainly softer on the ears and easier on the sress levels.

PS. It's 36 hours til my plane leaves to take me to India...woo hoo

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