April 7, 2009

Reliably Unreliable

We all have one. Be they a friend, a mate, a buddie or acquaintance, we know if they are invited out they will say, ‘yes, I’ll be there’ with such convincing gusto, that you actually believe, for once, they may actually turn up.

When they call you, email you or text you at the eleventh hour (usually after they have been prompted) they let you down. It will always be an imaginative and creative excuse that rings true, and despite you having doubts, you say, ‘that’s OK, maybe next time’. When they do turn up to something, you are surprised and so happy you forgive the previous let-downs.

I have two such mates. I still invite the first one, but I know she won’t turn up. I know it’s a waste of paper, bandwidth and effort, but in the name of friendship I still make the effort. I’m dangerously close to plonking the second in the same basket.

At what point do you say, enough is enough and give up altogether?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

BUGGER! I say drop those friends and don't waste any effort or time or heartache on them...

but then again, sometimes - somewhere - somehow - a friend may come back to show you they care about you and no matter what you may think, or how you feel about them, you should know you are on their radar and therefore not worth losing...

(even if they are a slack-ass cow who had no excuse)

miss ya